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Showing 49 Subjects

Subject Homepage: Architecture
Subject librarian(s): Allison Fulford
Subject Homepage: Business
Subject librarian(s): Joyline Makani, MBA, PhD
Subject Homepage: Classics
Subject librarian(s): Samantha Adema
Subject Homepage: Commerce
Subject librarian(s): Joyline Makani, MBA, PhD
Subject Homepage: Costume Studies
Subject librarian(s): Karen Smith
Subject Homepage: Economics
Subject librarian(s): Joyline Makani, MBA, PhD
Subject Homepage: English
Subject librarian(s): Lindsay McNiff
Subject Homepage: Film Studies
Subject librarian(s): Karen Smith
Subject Homepage: History
Subject librarian(s): Samantha Adema
Subject Homepage: Languages
Subject librarian(s): Kirsten Huhn
Subject Homepage: Law
Subject librarian(s): Mark Lewis, David Michels
Subject Homepage: Management
Subject librarian(s): Joyline Makani, MBA, PhD
Subject Homepage: Music
Subject librarian(s): Karen Smith
Subject Homepage: Patents
Subject Homepage: Philosophy
Subject librarian(s): Samantha Adema
Subject Homepage: Planning
Subject librarian(s): Allison Fulford
Subject Homepage: Sciences
Subject Homepage: Social Work
Subject librarian(s): Dominic Silvio
Subject Homepage: Sociology
Subject librarian(s): Dominic Silvio
Subject Homepage: Standards
Subject Homepage: Theatre
Subject librarian(s): Karen Smith

A-Z Database List

Full list of Databases the library subscribes to, including trial access.
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