Parenting Law and Practice in Canada by Ann Wilton, Gary Joseph, Tara Train, & James Gary McLeodCall Number: DAL Dunn Law Library Reserve Collection KB 137 M161 2020 and online via NovaNet
ISBN: 0459552929
Publication Date: 1992
Formerly Child Custody Law and Practice, Parenting Law and Practice in Canada guides the practitioner through all aspects of law and practice related to custody and access in Canada. The expert commentary covers the stages of a custody access proceeding including interim proceedings, and decisions on the merits, enforcement, variation, and appeals. This work examines the substantive and procedural law as well as negotiation, tactical, and advocacy skills. Alternative dispute resolution methods are considered, as are other topics of current interest such as the expansion of access rights, including access for grandparents, child representation, mobility rights, and the effect of religion upon custody and access.