Where can I find Nova Scotia data or statistics?
Check out Nova Scotia under the Province tab. Then look at the District Health Authority Websites, or the Registries.
Where can I find Canadian statistics?
On the Home page under Quick Links, check out Canada at a Glance 2010, Health Canada, and Statistics Canada.
Also, look at the Canada tab.
Where can I find information on Canada's census?
On the Home page under Quick Links, click on Statistics Canada. Or try the Census tab.
Where can I find reports?
Under Search tips, choose the Canadian Electronic Library under Databases.
On the Home page under Quick Links, try Canadian Institute for Health Information, Fraser Institute, Nova Scotia Vital Statistics Annual Reports, and Nova Scotia Department of Health Reports.
In Nova Scotia, under the Provinces tab, look at Selected Reports.
Journal articles
Look in the Search Tips tab for PubMed under Databases.