Gender and Law by Katherine T. Bartlett & Deborah L. RhodeCall Number: DAL Dunn Law Library KB 139 .W8 B28 2006
ISBN: 0735557411
Publication Date: 2006
Gender and Law: Theory, Doctrine, Commentary is organized around theoretical frameworks, showing different conceptualizations of equality and justice and their impact on concrete legal problems. The text provides complete, up-to-date coverage of conventional “women and the law” issues, including employment law and affirmative action, reproductive rights, LGBTQ issues, domestic violence, rape, pornography, international women’s rights, and global trafficking. Showing the complex ways in which gender permeates the law, the text also explores the gender aspects of subject matters less commonly associated with gender, such as property, ethics, contracts, sports, and civil procedure. Throughout, the materials allow an emphasis on alternative approaches and how these approaches make a difference. Excerpted legal cases, statutes, and law review articles form an ongoing dialogue within the book to stimulate thought and discussion and almost 250 provocative “putting theory into practice” problems challenge students to think deeply about current gender law issues.