This is a Library Research Guide for Engineering Mathematics. It provides you with information, links, videos, and more, to help you do research in the subject areas of engineering math.
If you need help finding information or using any of our Library services, please email, call, or drop by the Library to see me. I'll be very glad to meet you!
Allie (https://tinyurl.com/y8rjkbvv)
1. Your DalCard is also your library card. Stop by the Service Desk at a Dal Library to make sure your card is registered and all set up!
2. You have a Library Account, where you can do things like renew your books online. The login is your Net ID and password.
3. You can borrow as many books as you like, there is no limit. There is also no charge to borrow books from the Dal Libraries.
4. There are 5 Libraries at Dalhousie University. You can use any of these libraries. You do not have to use the library that corresponds to your field of study.
5. You do not have to be in one of the Dal Libraries to use electronic material like e-books, e-journals, and databases. You can access e-resources from your residence room, study areas, office, or anywhere on the Dal campus, just as if you were in one of the Libraries.
If you are at home -- off campus -- you will see the Off-Campus login screen when you click on an e-book, e-journal, or database. Just login with your Net ID and password and you're good to go!