Explore the Canadian Census for data about population, age, sex, dwellings, families, marital status, language, immigration and ethnocultural diversity, aboriginal peoples, education and labour, mobility and migration, language of work, income and housing.
Provides analysis and forecasts of the Canadian economy and financial markets. Also included are the indicators for the United States and key international markets.
Statistics Canada data portal for COVID data. Explore the dashboards under "Highlights" or click on "All COVID-19 releases" for a searchable list of data tables, data publications, etc.
Reference maps (PDF) and boundary files (geospatial software) for health regions by province. Click on the most recent entry, select "Table of Contents".
Comparable time-series data for a range of health indicators from a number of sources including the Canadian Community Health Survey, Vital Statistics, and Canadian Cancer Registry (last released in 2014).
These tables provide an overview of housing conditions and trends in Canada and in each province and Census Metropolitan Area, including housing construction, prices, and sales; rental market trends; mortgage lending; and housing stock.
The annual Income Statistics reports use tables of data to create a profile of Canadian taxpayers.
Final Statistics - Sample Data
Detailed profiles of Canadian taxfilers based on a stratified random sample of individual tax returns
Interim Statistics - Universe Data
Preliminary statistics based on the universe of all returns filed and processed during a given tax year. This usually represents about 97% of all returns filed
As of December 2017, you can download the microdata of many Canadian opinion polls in Odesi. Select "CORA" or "Public Opinion Polls" under "Collections".
Gives access to "full water quality datasets collected by 23 monitoring groups from Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia."
"The CADC's data collection, along with its world-leading cloud infrastructure for astronomy, provides a unique resource for data-intensive astrophysical research."
Comprehensive portrait of women in Canada today including their demographic profile, family status, health, educational attainment, labour force characteristics, and income levels, as well as their involvement in criminal activity as both perpetrators and victims.
"The mission of the Canadian Urban Data Catalogue (CUDC) is to provide awareness of the vast array of urban and non-urban Canadian data by providing an open catalogue of Canadian datasets."
Pick a subject to find a list of Statistics Canada surveys strongly linked with the subject.
Maps and geography
GIS Centre
Consider consulting the GIS Centre for additional help and information. See also GISciences Centre's In-house Data and the geospatial data page for more maps and geospatial data.
The GIS Centre on the fifth floor of the Killam Library, provides support for Geographic Information Sciences research and teaching. It is the largest library based GISciences Centre in Canada.
Collection of links to census geography products including reference (PDF) maps, boundary files (geospatial software), agriculture boundary files, etc.
Reference maps (PDF) and boundary files (geospatial software) for health regions by province. Click on the most recent entry, select "Table of Contents".
Contains about 1,088 statistical tables on the social, economic and institutional conditions of Canada from the start of the Confederation in 1867 to the mid-1970s.
Includes GNP, implicit price deflator, population, real GNP, per capita GNP, government expenditures, exports, imports, money suppy, bond yields, investment expenditures, current account balance.