The material shared here is meant to be used during Excel workshops, but was also designed to be usable for self-teaching.
Easy Excel
Use the main Excel file to learn useful Excel functions about formatting tables, preparing a worksheet for printing, conditional formatting, and filters.
Easy Excel - Main FileApply the steps from the "instructions" worksheet to the "Exercise" worksheet. Go over the "Useful Functions" worksheet to learn the material covered in Easy Excel.
Easy Excel (PDF Handout)Printable version of the "Useful functions" worksheet in Easy Excel's Excel file.
Excel Pivot Tables
Learn to visualize data using Excel's pivot charts and pivot tables. Please note that pivot charts are very version-dependant. Slicers and timelines can only be viewed properly and created in the most recent versions of Excel (2013+). Excel pivot charts are not always available for Excel for the Mac.
Excel Pivot TablesApply the steps from the "instructions" worksheet to the "Exercise" worksheet. Go over the "Pivot Tables" worksheet to learn the material covered in Excel Pivot Tables.
Fun with Excel Formulas
Your pigeons have flown away! Learn about entering formulas in Excel, the difference between indirect and absolute addresses, and see an example of the use of the Indirect formula.
Excel Formulas - Main FileApply the steps from the "instructions" worksheet to the "Exercise" worksheet. Go over the "Excel Formulas" worksheet to learn the material covered in Fun with Excel Formulas.
Excel Experts
Learn to remove duplicates, use the vlookup or xlookup formula, manipulate text, and use advanced Excel features!
Excel ExpertsPlease download the file to your desktop. Click the links in the menus to navigate the content and choose what you want to know!
Excel Experts (PDF Handout)A great reference sheet to use with the main file of Excel Experts.
Flash FillLearn to use flash fill to extract or put together patterns based on your data, and practice your new skills!
XLookupLearn to use XLookup to "look up" data that you need from a reference table, or to check whether a value exists in your dataset or not.
Excel Macros
Learn to magically automate some Excel tasks!