Provides access to multiple World Bank databases, including the World Development Indicators (WDI), and Gender, Education, Health, Nutrition, Population Statistics.
contains data on the health systems of OECD countries including health status, medical resources, health expenditures, costs and flow, and non-medical determinants of health from 1960 forward.
ICPSR contains more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences, including many microdata datasets. Access to some restricted datasets require users to create an account using their Dalhousie email address and to authenticate themselves by logging into ICPSR from an on-campus computer once every 6 months
"A worldwide statistical initiative to collect comparative price data and detailed GDP expenditures to produce purchasing power parities (PPP) for the world's economies."
The UNDP measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.
cross-national data centre in Luxembourg, providing access to harmonized income, wealth, employment, and demographic data from a large number of countries,
The PWT 9.1 provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 182 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2017.
wbopendata allows Stata users to download over 3,000 series of indicators from the World Bank databases, from over 256 countries and regions, since 1960.