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Data and Statistics

a guide to finding data and/or statistics of interest to students and scholars engaged in all kinds of research.

Nova Scotia Quality of Life Survey

Engage Nova Scotia (ENS) is a non-profit NGO that has collected data to help Nova Scotians understand our challenges and possibilities.

In partnership with the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW), the Nova Scotia Quality of Life Survey was conducted in 2019 and recorded responses to more than 250 questions from close to 13,000 people across the province’s 10 functional economic regions (shown in map below). The survey measured economic indicators and areas of wellbeing.

Engage Nova Scotia map of count of surveys by region

We have signed a Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) for Dalhousie researchers to use the CIW_NS2019 dataset.

Steps to access CIW_NS2019 research dataset

  1. Design your Research Project: Request a copy of the CIW_NS2019 data dictionary and review the Data Sharing Use Acknowledgement (DSUA). Send an email to

  2. Sign DSUA: The DSA is between ENS and Dalhousie University, whereas the DSUA is between Dalhousie University and the Principal Investigator [previously sent by Dalhousie Libraries in Step 1].

  3. Apply to Research Ethics Board: Fill out a research application to work with a secondary dataset
    Application for secondary use of information for research and append your signed DSUA.

  4. Request CIW_NS2019 dataset: Available as a SPSS, SAS or STATA data file. Submit letter of approval from the REB and your signed DSUA to