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Writing Centre Online Resource Guide


The Importance of Writing in CS

Communications skills are increasingly recognized as integral to successful academic and work careers in the field of computer science (see's 2011 article surveying recent UK grads on their perception of the significance of clear communication in the workplace). In addition to your technical expertise, you will draw on your ability to communicate through speech and writing in numerous situations every day: while working with colleagues individually and in teams; consulting and problem-solving with clients; and sharing your research and innovations.

Kinds of CS Writing

The Faculty of Computer Science offers students co-op work terms. The academic component of the work terms is a work term report. Departmental guidelines and other resources for writing work term reports are available to current co-op students via Brightspace. Additional information can be obtained by making an appointment with a co-op counselor.

Here are some sample workterm reports from the University of British Columbia.  Please keep in mind that the requirements for the Dalhousie workterm reports may be somewhat different.

ACM Citation Style

Resources for CS Writing