The Writing Centre is a free service for students who want to improve their writing skills. Whether you are writing academic, business or personal documents, we can help you articulate ideas and structure your writing plan
Early in engineering programs, students often dismiss the value of effective communication practices. Valuing technical knowledge and skill development, students can sometimes forget that engineering takes place within business organizations and universities. Engineers work with other engineers, as well as many other professionals. In fact, communicating effectively with others is a critical part of any engineer’s work. Coming up with an important innovation, a technical plan, or a repair solution will mean little if the engineer cannot convince other engineers and business professionals (as well as lawyers, environmentalists, and the public) that the work is financially justifiable and necessary. So engineers write. The information on this page is meant to assist you in your technical writing endeavours.
The essential aims of an Engineering paper:
Common problems:
Easy solutions:
The Faculty of Engineering offers students co-op work terms. The academic component of the work terms is a work term report. Departmental guidelines and other resources for writing work term reports are available to current co-op students via Brightspace. Additional information can be obtained by making an appointment with a co-op counselor.
Writing well-defined, straightforward memos is essential when collaborating with people of different disciplines. Use these guidelines to ensure your memos are complete, accurate, purposeful and relevant to your audience.
IEEE is an organization dedicated to engineering, computing, and technology information. This citation style is commonly used in the computer sciences and in engineering. For information on how to cite sources in IEEE, please see the following resources: