The following citations are for journal articles about African Nova Scotian health.
Beagan, B., & Chapman, G. (2012). Meanings of food, eating and health among African Nova Scotians: ‘Certain things aren't meant for Black folk’. Ethnicity & Health, 17(5), 1-17.
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Bernard, W., Maddalena, V., Njiwaji, M., & Darrell, D. (2014). The role of spirituality at end of life in Nova Scotia’s Black community. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought,33(3-4), 353-376.
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Open access
Etowa, J. (2012). Black women's perceptions of supportive care during childbirth. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27(1), 27-32.
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Open access
Etowa, J., Beagan, B., Eghan, F., & Bernard, W. (2017). “You feel you have to be made of steel”: The strong Black woman, health, and well-being in Nova Scotia. Health Care for Women International,38(4), 379-393.
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Etowa, J., Keddy, B., Egbeyemi, J., & Eghan, F. (2007). Depression: The 'invisible grey fog' influencing the midlife health of African Canadian women. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 16(3), 203-13.
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Etowa, J., Wiens, J., Bernard, W., & Clow, B. (2007). Determinants of Black women's health in rural and remote communities. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 39(3), 57-76.
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Open access
Evans, J. G., Butler, L., Etowa, J., Crawley, I., Rayson, D., & Bell, D. (2005). Gendered and cultured relations: Exploring African Nova Scotians' perceptions and experiences of breast and prostate cancer. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 19(3), 257-273.
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Kisely, S., Terashima, M., & Langille, D. (2008). A population-based analysis of the health experience of African Nova Scotians. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal = Journal De L'Association Medicale Canadienne, 179(7), 653-8.
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