The research process involves a number of ste
ps. You first need to identify your question or topic -- what is your information need?
Next, you must search for information in reliable and trustworthy sources, like the Novanet catalogue and library research databases. You must know how to recognize a quality source -- is it peer reviewed? does it have bibliographical references? -- and you must search using your keywords.
You then need to verify and evaluate your information. Do this by using a variety of sources -- do not rely on a single book or article. Use different formats of information: books, journal articles, newspapers, dissertations and theses, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Organize and summarize your information. Decide on, and analyze, the information you want to use to answer your question, to write your essay, or to do your presentation.
Always remember to cite your sources using a citation style like APA, to give credit to those authors whose books, articles, etc., you have used to write your essay or to give your presentation.