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Knowledge Syntheses: A How-To Guide

Overview of systematic review steps and resources to assist researchers conducting reviews

Why Critically Appraise Studies?

Not all studies are trustworthy. In order for your systematic review to represent the best possible evidence, your team must critically appraise each study thoroughly before it is included. The criteria by which you assess included studies should be clearly outlined in your report. You should also maintain a record of which studies have been left out, and the grounds for which they were excluded.

Below you can find a compilation of critical appraisal checklists and guides sorted by the type of study that they appraise.

You should also appraise papers for veracity, as there have been increased reports of 'fake' studies being retrieved in the process of knowledge syntheses. Consider tools such as the REAPPRAISED checklist and the INSPECT-SR tool to confirm that studies you are considering for inclusion were not produced by paper mills, generative AI, or other fraudulent means.

Critical Appraisal Checklists

Checklist collections for multiple study designs

Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)

Non-Randomized Studies or Observational Studies

Animal Research

Diagnostic Accuracy

Systematic Reviews

(descriptions copy pasted from

Grey Literature

Tools and resources concerning appraisal of knowledge involving Indigenous communities

Books about Critical Appraisal

Tools for Analysis

Books about analysis in research syntheses