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Knowledge Syntheses: A How-To Guide

Overview of systematic review steps and resources to assist researchers conducting reviews

Literature Search Assistance

Are you a student completing a review for a class who needs coaching on their search strategy?

Do you need help navigating databases, conducting a grey literature search, or managing your citations?

We can help you! Contact your subject librarian.

Specific examples of support include:

Database search strat
Devising a Database Search Strategy

Assistance with Covidence

Review Management Software

Zotero SR
Managing search results by saving them in a
Citation Management Software such as Zotero


Searching for grey literature on your topic​

identify sr


Identify Systematic Reviews related to your research question

Support with reviews outside of the health sciences

 Contact your subject librarian






Knowldge Synthesis Search Timeline

Why Work With a Librarian?

These articles highlight some of the many advantages of working with a librarian to complete your systematic review or other knowledge synthesis project.

These articles were first listed by Kate Silfen:

Training Opportunities

Check out the Libraries’ calendar below for upcoming sessions where you can learn how to use Covidence and other skills to help with your research.