Dalhousie’s subscription to CSA OnDemand includes all current and historical standards in English and French with the exception of IT and Telecommunication standards. Additionally, Canadian Electrical Code & Handbook and B149 series standards are view-only.
Once you arrive at the CSA OnDemand homepage, click on “My Library” to see the list of available Standards. There are two viewing options of available Standards: View English, which is the Web Viewer version (if you are using a mobile device, this version must be used), or the Download PDF version. The PDF version must be downloaded and then opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader rather than opened in your browser.
If accessing off campus it is View Online only. PDFs cannot be downloaded. If you require more help, please go to the Support tab at the top of the CSA OnDemand My Library page and open the document called “University College User Guide”. Please note that for Colleges and Universities, printing and offline viewing is not allowed.