ICC Legal Tools DatabaseThe ICC Legal Tools are the leading information services on international criminal law. They equip users with legal information, digests and an application to work more effectively with core international crimes cases (involving war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide or aggression). By being freely available in the public commons, the Tools equalize access to international criminal law information, thus empowering practitioners and levelling preconditions for criminal justice in both richer and materially less resourceful countries. The Tools are a significant contribution towards national capacity-development in criminal justice for core international crimes. The open access Tools comprise the ICC Legal Tools Database (including the ICC Case Law Database), together with legal research and reference tools developed by lawyers with expertise in international criminal law and justice: the ICC Case Matrix, the Elements Digest, and the Means of Proof Digest. Text in these tools or in the ICC Legal Tools Database does not necessarily represent views of the ICC, any of its Organs or any participant in proceedings before the ICC or any of the ICC States Parties.