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Biology-2000-level Library Guide

This guide provides library resources for students in BIOL 2003, 2004, 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2060.

Need to locate a specific journal article? Here are two options:

If you have a few key pieces of information such as the journal title (eg: Journal of Ecology), year, volume number and start page of an article, Citation Linker can lead you to the fulltext of the article. If you have the article's "doi" number, that is the only element you need to enter into Citation Linker.

Need to identify journal articles on biology topics? Search Biological Abstracts

In the field of biology, scientific journal articles are considered primary source material. Each research article describes the results of a scientific study or experiment.

Databases such as Biological Abstracts & Scopus gather together references to research articles. When you conduct a topic or keyword search on a database, you'll see a set of results, listing the titles of journal articles related to your topic.

  • Click on an article title to see an abstract (a brief summary of the article).
  • Once you read the abstract, you'll have a better idea of whether the article is relevant to your topic.
  • To see the fulltext of an article, click on the orange Get it at Dal button.

Journal Title Abbreviations

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