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Biology-2000-level Library Guide

This guide provides library resources for students in BIOL 2003, 2004, 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2060.

CSE Quick Guide (8th ed.)

Provides examples of how to cite journal articles, books, and other resources using CSE (Council of Science Editors) style.

Writing Guide

 A Student Handbook for Writing in Biology by Karin Knisely.

On Reserve in Killam Library:  QH 304 K59.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

As a student at Dalhousie University, you are expected to uphold the principles of academic honesty and integrity. For example, you are to submit your own work, properly cite the ideas and writings of others, and avoid plagiarism. Here are links to define plagiarism and help you to paraphrase correctly:

Need writing support? Contact the Writing Centre

The Dalhousie Writing Centre provides guidance to help students to write papers, paraphrase, cite sources and develop their academic writing skills. The services of the Centre are free of charge to Dalhousie students. There are several locations on campus, one of which is in room G40C in the Learning Commons, Killam Library.

You can contact the Centre for quick advice, or you can arrange to meet with a tutor or to sign up for a seminar. The Centre's staff include tutors from a variety of subject backgrounds, including biology.

Contact the Centre at 494-1963, or via email at:

About those Journal Titles...