I am creating a website via wordpress for my dissertation and I need help on how to write about design choices, layout, what I chose to include, etc. If you have any resources that might help me please let me know. Thanks!
We are frequently overwhelmed with digital information. We do not switch off our smart phones and devices till late in the night this disturbs our sleep and on top of it, there is enough distraction at work during the day. How do we deal with this ?
I have personally seen many people on social networks having an emotional breakdown and have gone into depression either due the over-exposure or their ideas and posts not being paid attention to. They are unable to deal with this exposure and overload of information. As a society, are we going too fast on the information super lane?
We are not paying enough attention. Human attention span on any piece of useful information is only about 3-4 minutes and beyond this is distraction.
How do we practice being selective and where do we draw the line ? are the other things that come to my mind right now.
If you have thoughts or comments please do share. Would greatly appreciate. Cheers, Ramkumar
I am looking for more examples to explain the 'small world' network phenomenon.
I am working on an article on the same. An example which I have taken up is - a modern well connected cluster of villages.
Smart and digitally enabled cluster of villages with urban and social infrastructure are the way forward. In such clusters, every body is connected to everybody. Information passes through all them seamlessly. Everybody stays informed and there are numerous advantages from eliminating village feuds to sharing farm practices and social welfare schemes. Similarly, there could be others. Cheers, Ramkumar
For more tools see the following directories:
TAPOR or Text Analysis Portal for Research is a directory of Text analysis and visualization tools that can be used in digital humanities research |
DiRT or Digital Research Tools is a comprehensive directory of tools that can be used in digital humanities research. |
For even more see:
Alan Liu's Digital Humanities tools
ArcGIS is a popular geospatial and mapping software. All computers in Dalhousie's Killam Library are equipped with ArcGIS and it can be downloaded by any Faculty or Staff here |
CartoDB is cloud-based geospatial and mapping software that allows users to work with geospatial data online. CartoDB has a free account as well as paid premium accounts. |
Google Maps is being widely used in Digital Humanities projects for mapping and visualizing geospatial data. Creating a custom map is accessed through My Maps. |
Need help with using ArcGIS, CartoDB, or Google Maps?
See Programming Historians guide to getting started with google maps.
Gephi is a powerful data visualization tool that is popular in the Digital Humanities because of its ability to take spreadsheets and create network analysis nodes out of lists and databases. This is a great tool to get started with for network analysis. |
Need Help?
There are many tutorials for using Gephi one popular choices is from Miriam Posner.
A tutorial for using D3.js meant for a beginner audience geared towards Digital Humanities use can be found here.
Voyant is one of the most popular text analysis suites used in Digital Humanities. It allows users to upload texts and see word counts, co-occurrences, keyword frequency, collocations, relationship between words, and more. Voyant also allows users to create a variety of powerful visualizations. |
MALLET is a popular toolkit used in Digital Humanities for Topic Modeling. Mallet can identify topics that are contained in texts and perform analysis such as relationships between topics and frequency of their occurrence. |
Google Books Ngram Viewer allows one to analyze the frequency of keyword occurrence found in the Google books corpus. |
Need Help?
For a tutorial on getting started with Voyant click here.
For a tutorial on getting started with Mallet and Topic Modeling see this Programming Historian tutorial
Omeka is a web publishing platform mostly used for creating digital exhibits, libraries, archives, and collections. Digital Humanists use Omeka to publish their digital collections and projects. |
Drupal is a content management system that allows users to create and host dynamic websites that can display a variety of content. Digital Humanists often use Drupal for their projects because it provides a comprehensive solution for managing texts, metadata, visualizations, interactive maps, and more. |
TEI is an XML markup languages that allows scholars to mark up text in order to curate and annotate texts digitally and make them machine readable. |
Need Help on Getting Started?
For tutorials on using Omeka see: UCLA Digitial Humanities, What is Omeka?
For getting started with Drupal for Digital Humanities and understanding it see Miriam Posner's Digital Humanities 201
For getting started marking up texts with TEI see: TEI by Example
Looking to get started with a Digital Humanities project and not sure about what's involved? Check out this Digital Humanities Project Planning Template that lists a number of questions that should be considered when starting a Digital Humanities Project.
Please contact Roger Gillis (roger.gillis@dal.ca) if you have any questions or would like further consultation on your project.