Subject(s): REQUIRED for visibility and findability
Subject categories allow you to organize your guides by a particular subject area, which allows users to easily find and access subject-specific guides when sorting by subject on our Research Guides homepage
Subjects are selected from a controlled list within the LibGuides system
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Please associate your guide with at least one subject for findability
If you feel there is a subject that would apply but isn't available, reach out to Guide Admins to see if a new subject can be added
Tag(s): REQUIRED for visibility and findability
Tags provide a way to organize guides by keywords
Unlike subject categories, which can help facilitate easier browsing, tags are used to improve search results
Not only do tags help improve the relevancy ranking of guides, they also appear as facets on the search results page, giving patrons another option for filtering results
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Please associate your guide with at least one tag for findability
Add as many as you like - there is no such thing as too many tags!
Try to include common misspellings, acronyms, and abbreviations - think of ways a student would search!
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To add Subjects or Tags to your guide, select the pencil icons appearing in the top left.