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Citation Management

This Subject Guide is designed to help your research by getting the most use out of citation managers


Zotero logo.

(Image Source: UBC-Wiki

Zotero is an open-source reference manager with syncing capabilities that stores, manages, and cites bibliographic references. It is supported by numerous plugins, including browser extensions that will allow you to capture references for online sources, such as web pages, blog posts, video or audio files, PDFs, etc.

Download Zotero

Click here to download Zotero for Mac, Windows, or Linux.

(Having difficulty? Use these installation instructions.)

Register Your Account

Create an online Zotero account so you can sync and access your library from anywhere! Having an account will also let you join groups and back up your attached files.

Register for your free account here

Getting Started

Use Zotero Support to learn how to:

Tutorials are available on this list of community-created online videos


Create a Group

Collaborate with other members on a project using a group library.

1. All group members must have a Zotero account. Register for your free account here.

2. Set up a group library. As shown below, in the upper left-hand corner of the Zotero tool bar you can select the "New Library" icon and in the drop-down menu you can select New Group.


3. You will be brought to the Zotero website for new groups. You will be prompted to log in to your Zotero account.

  • Once you are logged in, you can choose the group name and the kind of group.
  • For most academic work, you should opt for the "private membership" option. However, if you want your group library to be publicly viewable by anyone, choose "public, open membership."
  • Once you've made your choices, click "Create Group".


4. The following page allows you to alter the permissions for group members, such as the degree they can edit. You can also invite other members to your group through the member settings link.


5. Invite new members to your group by clicking the "Send More Invitations" link.


If you have any further questions refer to this Zotero support page about groups.

Joining a Group

You can join a group in two ways:

1. Be invited by the owner of the group. You should receive an email notification.

2. Search for groups: Login to and under the groups section click Search for Groups and find your desired group.
